You are here because you are wondering which firing I usually use!
I have had many people asking me on my Youtube channel:
where they can get the Slow Cool Firing Schedule that I use when I glaze fire my stoneware creations.
THIS IS THE SCHEDULE I use most often! I like it because it gets me to a REAL or HOT Cone 6

SOMETIMES, I will lower the 5th Segment depending on the result I want. I have lowered it to 2195 F and 2185 F.
It depends weather I think the clay will bloat in the firing. Grog clays, dark and toasted clay, tend to bloat if put into a straight cone 6. So, I use the SlowCool to avoid bloating and pinholing.
Pinholing in pottery refers to a glaze defect characterized by small, unglazed dots or pinprick-sized holes on the surface of a fired ceramic piece. This issue arises when air bubbles become trapped in the glaze during application or firing, preventing the glaze from fully covering the clay body. Pinholing can result from various factors, such as improper glaze consistency, inadequate cleaning of the bisque-fired piece, or firing at an incorrect temperature. Since I bisque my pieces to cone 04, clean the pieces thoroughly and am careful to apply my glazes properly, I knew the problem was probably in the firing!
In my quest to find a solution to this aggravating problem, I came across the Slow Cooling
Firing Schedule developed by Camille Hoffman and Perry at SKUTT kilns.
The results were FANTASTIC! No Pinholes! What a relief!
The only thing was, I previously had always fired to Cone 6, and this schedule did not seems to get that high and so I did not get the glaze movement I wanted. Also, some of my glaze combinations looked different than when they were fired to Cone 6. So I played with the schedule a little bit and managed to get the kiln to fire hotter with the new schedule.
I still work on bumping up the 5th segment to get the kiln firing at a hotter temperature so that I can get the runs that I want on my glazed pieces AND no pinholes!

As mentioned above, You can see my kiln openings and turotials on my YouTube channel: Audrey Lynn Studios
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on Facebook: Audrey Lynn Studios.
on Instagram: audreylynnstudios
on Pinterest: Audrey Lynn Studios